The Elements
A Fascinating Look by the Webmaster
Thomas A. Vella-Zarb

To hear the song from "An Evening Wasted With Tom Leher"

The lyrics to this are found here

A synopsis of this article appeared in CHEM13 NEWS in October, 1980

Note: Underlined items are links

Elements mentioned in the Bible

1. Au - Gold (Genesis 13:2) and other references
2. Ag - Silver (Amos 2:6) and other references
3. Fe - Iron (Psalms 105:18) and other references
4. Sn - Tin (Numbers 31:22) and other references
5. Pb - Lead (Numbers 31:22) and other references
6. Cu - Copper (Ezrah 8:27) and other references
7. C - Carbon (Jeremiah 17:1) and other references
8. S - Sulphur (Genesis 19:24) and other references

Named after women

1. Cm - Curium (Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre)
2. Nb - Niobium (Niobe, daughter of Tantalus)
3. Pd - Palladium (Pallas, Greek goddess of wisdom)
4. V - Vanadium (Vanadis, Scandinavian goddess)

Named after Continents

1. Am - Americium (America)
2. Eu - Europium (Europe)

Named after Countries

1. Fr - Francium (France)
2. Ga - Gallium (Gallia, Latin name for France)
3. Ge - Germanium (Germany)
4. Po - Polonium (Poland)
5. Ru - Ruthenium (Ruthenia, Latin name for Russia)
G. Sc - Scandium (Scandia, Latin name for Scandinavia)
7. Th - Thulium (Thule, ancient name for Scandinavia)
8. In - Indium (India)

Named after States

Cf - Californium (California)

Named after Cities or Towns

1. Bk - Berkelium (Berkley, home of Univ. of California)
2. Er - Erbium (Ytterby, village in Sweden)
3. Hf - Hafnium (Hafnia, Latin name for Copenhagen)
4. Ho - Holfrlium (Holmia, Latin name for Stockholm)
5. Lu - Lutetium (Lutetia, old name for Paris)
6. Mg - Magnesium (Magnesia, district in Thessaly)
7. Re - Rhenium (Rhenus, Latin name for Rhine)
8. Sr - Strontium (Strontiun, town in Scotland)
9. Tb - Terbium (Ytterby, village in Sweden)
10. Yb - Ytterbium (Ytterby, village in Sweden)
11. Y - Yttrium (Ytterby, village in Sweden)

Named-after Celestial Bodies (stars, asteroids, etc)

1. Ce - Cerium (Ceres, an asteroid)
2. He - Helium (Helios, Greek name for Sun)
3. Hg - Mercury (Mercury, a planet)
4. P - Phosphorus (Phosphorus - Old name for Venus when appearing before sunrise)
5. Pd - Palladium (Pallas, an asteroid)
6. Np - Neptunium (Neptune, a planet)
7. Pt - Plutonium (Pluto, a planet)
8. Se - Selenium (Selene, Greek name for Moon)
9. Te - Tellurium (Tellus, Latin name for Earth)
10. U - Uranium (Uranus, a planet)

Named after famous Scientists

1. Cm - Curium (Pierre and Marie Curie - French/Polish - discovered Radium)
2. Es - Einsteinium (Albert Einstein - Austrian/Swiss/American physicist)
3. Fm - Fermium (Enrico Fermi - Italian Physicist)
4. Gd - Gadolinum (John Gadolin - Finnish Chemist)
5. Lr - Lawrencium (Ernest Lawrence - inventor of Cyclotron)
6. Md - Mendelevium (Dimitri Mendeleev - Russian Chemist)
7. No - Nobelium (Alfred Bernhard Nobel - Swedish Engineer and Chemist)

Name comes from Spanish

Pt - Platinum (Platina = Silver)

Name comes from Swedish

W - Tungsten (Tung = heavy, Sten = stone)
(Note = This element was formerly called Wolfram from the German, hence the Symbol)

Names come from Latin

1. Sb - Antimony (Stlbium = mark)
2. Ca - Calcium (Calx = lime)
3. Cs - Cæsium (Caæsium = sky blue)
4. Cu - Copper (Cuprum, from the island of Cyprus)
5. F - Fluorine (Fluere = flux or flow)
6. Ga - Gallium (Gallia = France)
7. Au - Gold (Aurum = Gold)
8. Hf - Hafnium (Hafnia = Copenhagen)
9. Ho - Holmium (Holmia - Stockholm)
10. Ir - Iridium (Iris = Rainbow)
11. Fe - Iron (Ferrum)
12. Pb - Lead (Plumbum)
13. Mn - Manganese (Magnes = magnet)
14. Hg - Mercury (Hyrargyrum = liquid silver)
15. K - Potassium (Kalium = alkali, from the Arabic "qali")
16. Ra - Radium (Radius = ray)
17. Rn - Radon (Radius = ray)
18. Re - Rhenium (Rhenus = Rhine)
19. Rb - Rubidium (Rubidiud = deepest red)
20. Ru - Ruthenium (Ruthenia = Russia)
21. Sc - Scandium (Scanudia = Scandinavia)
22. Si - Silicon (Silex = flint)
23. Ag - Silver (Argentum)
24. Na - Sodium (Natrium)
25. Sn - Tin (Stannum)
26. Ti - Titanium (Titan = first men on earth)
27. Te - Tellurium (Tellus = earth)

Names come from the Greek

1. Ac - Actinum (Actinos = beam or ray)
2. Ar - Argon (Argon = inactive)
S. As - Arsenic (Arsenicum = yellow orpiment)
4. At - Astatine (Astatos = unstable)
5. Ba - Barium (Barys = heavy)
6. Br - Bromine (Bromos = stench)
7. Cl - Chlorine (Chloros = greenish yellow)
8. Cr - Chromium (Chroma = colour)
9. Dy - Dysprosium (Dysprositos = hard to get at)
10. He - Helium (Helios = Sun)
11. H - Hydrogen (Hydro = water; Genes = forming)
12. I - Iodine (Iodes = violet)
13. Kr - Krypton (Kryptos = hidden.)
14. La - Lanthanum (Lanthancin = to lie hidden)
15. Li - Lithium (Lithos = stone)
16. Mo - Molybdenum (Molybdos = lead)
17. Nd - Neodymium (Neos = new; Dydimos = twin)
18. Ne - Neon (Neos = new)
19. N - Nitrogen (Nitron = native soda: Genes = forming)
20. Os - Osmium (Osme = smell)
21. O - Oxygen (Oxys = sharp, acid; Genes = forming)
22. P - Phosphorus (Phos = light; Phoros = bearing)
23. Pr - Praesodymium (Praseos = green; Didymos = twin)
24. Pa - Protactinium (Protos = first)
25. Rh - Rhodium (Rhodos = rose)
26. Se - Selenium (Selene = moon)
27. Ta - Tantalum ( Tantalus, father of Niobe)
28. Tc - Technetium (Technekos = artificial)
29. Tl - Thallium (Thallos = green shoot or twig)
30. Xe - Xenon (Xenos = stranger)

Names come from the German

1. Bi - Bismuth (Weisse Masse = white mass)
2. Co - Cobalt (Kobold = goblin or evil spirit)
3. Ni - Nickel (Nickel = Satan or Old Nick, from Kupfernickel = old Nick's copper)
4. Zn - Zinc (Zink)

For "The Elements, discovery and other Facts" click here
For an out of the way quiz about the elements click here
For words to the song which you are hearing, The Elements, by Tom Leher, click here
For an Animated view of The Elements, by Tom Leher, by Mike Stanfill, click here
For An Integrated Science Unit, click here
For A List of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, click here
For A List of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry with Pictures, click here
For a list of pages by the Webmaster click here